Photograph byvAngela Jackson
IN THE PAST two years, Hope Fowler has moved from Plainfield, to Brownsburg, to Whitestown in search of a safe, happy home for her girls. Her real estate odyssey began when the Department of Child Services called to see if she would consider foster parenting 5-month-old twins, Jasmine and Jaiyel, who were born with cerebral palsy and developmental delays.
Though she has been a foster parent for years, Fowler initially felt inexperienced. But she took in the girls and quickly fell in love. Last summer, DCS asked if she would adopt the sisters. “That was a very big responsibility,” says Fowler, a full-time church administrator at Agape Apostolic Faith Assembly. “I prayed, ‘Lord, do you want me to do this?’ God made a way. I told them, ‘Yes.’” The trio moved to a bigger house in Brownsburg, but when Fowler learned that Jasmine would eventually need a wheelchair, she knew their new two-story house wouldn’t do. “I didn’t want her to be confined to one area of the house because she’s in a wheelchair. That’s not fair to her.”
Fowler put the house back up for sale, where it sat for four or five months. “The market back then was horrible. Not that it’s any better now, but it was worse back then.” More prayers followed. “Next thing I know, I got two full-price off ers the same day,” Fowler says. But then she needed a house—and fast! She was saved by her Realtor, Amy Robinson from Prime Real Estate Group, who found a move-in ready, open plan, ranch house in Whitestown with a front yard and backyard (in which Fowler plans to build a playset where the now 2-year-old girls, big fans of Peppa Pig, Paw Patrol, and Ms. Rachel, can enjoy one of their other favorite things—swinging).
Even better, the school district has an excellent developmental preschool for the girls. “This was the perfect fit for us,” she says. “I want them to have the best possible life.”
The open layout
February 2024