Photo by Tony Valainis / Indianapolis Monthly
Q: If your patients were to take only one piece of advice to heart, what would you want it to be? A: Talk to your kids about health consequences.
“ER DOCTORS don’t see people on their best days. In fact, we often see them on one of their worst days. We joke that the famous last words before someone ends up here are, ‘Hey, watch this!’ Humans are an impulsive breed every now and then. It’s something that I can’t really fault people for. But sometimes taking a few seconds to think about the consequences can help prevent a fair amount of injuries and even sometimes some illnesses. For example, maybe the cinnamon challenge isn’t the best idea for your lungs, or vaping isn’t as harmless as you think. And jumping off a second story to impress someone is likely not going to go well in the long run.”
— Tyler Stepsis, M.D.
Medical director of emergency medicine with Eskenazi Health