IN THE MIDST of a bunch of 900 wests and 200 norths, desolate four-way stops, and rows and rows of cornfields northeast of Indy, you’ll come upon a bright red barn with a green tin roof. You have successfully found the near century-old Bonge’s Tavern. It’s a ready reminder that you aren’t lost, and you have reached enlightenment—as far as pork tenderloins go, that is.
The tavern’s sale in September may have caused a little concern for longtime fans, but Jake Burgess, who runs Burgess Restaurant Group, promises to carry on its most beloved traditions—specifically the Perkinsville Pork—with help from Dean Sample as executive chef. The name of the juicy, perfectly fried frisbee of a tenderloin remains scrawled at the top of the old chalkboard above the bar. Other menu faves, like the beloved sea trout, are still on offer. And the sugar cream cake will always be the perfect ending before the drive home. 9830 W. 280 N, Perkinsville, 765-734-1625